Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So I guess I was misinformed when I wrote my last post. It's not actually the lecturers that are on strike like I was told at first. It's the workers at the university who do the cleaning and taking care of the buildings and stuff like that. Apparently it's been a really long time since they've been paid for their overtime hours, so they're now on strike. And I don't actually know if that's why we're not having class the first week, or if it's more just the fact that a lot of Ghanaian students have yet to register for classes, since they let international students register a bit earlier. Either way, I'm going to try to go to lecture about an hour from now on the off-chance I actually have class today, but I doubt anyone else will show up.

I have had a few classes already though. We started the classes that we're taking through CIEE, like Twi and Development studies. Twi is really fun. Our professor is this adorable man who's really energetic and hilarious and ends every other sentence with "Hallelujahpraisethelord!" We've had two classes so far, and I've already gotten to use my new Twi phrases on the trotro! Some guy asked me how I was in Twi and I answered and asked him the same, and he answered. And I was thrilled. Until he asked me another question I didn't understand a word of. Blank stare.

Also, I finally went to my internship yesterday with one other girl from my program to meet our supervisor and tour the different wards. I'm going to be starting in the maternity ward, which sounds intense. I can't wait to start in the public health area in the family planning clinic though. We walked in there and made friends with a bunch of the pregnant ladies who were lined up to see the doctors. They were funny. They kept asking us if we were pregnant too. Umm no. Hallelujahpraisethelord.

The hospital was interesting though. Most of it is not air conditioned, some parts are pretty run-down and it's very crowded. I don't want to judge before I've started though. We'll see how it goes. Still haven't gotten my white coat yet though, because the dude who sells them in the chem department is one of the people on strike. But I officially start working there tomorrow.
I'm off to class! I'll probably just end up at home in about half an hour...

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