Friday, March 18, 2011

I love being home.

What could be better than going out for sushi with the parents I hardly ever see anymore, and then coming back home, watching a few episodes of 30 Rock and accidentally end up having a 3 1/2 hour talk about life with my mom? Nothing. If I ever doubted in my entire life that I have the best parents I could possibly ask for, I for sure know it now.
It's nights like these that make me not want to leave tomorrow. But I miss everyone in Madison too, and I suppose I have to go to school as well...
Talking to my parents gives me so much more perspective, and it's so amazing that every time I have a talk like this with them, I learn so much more about them than I ever knew before. It makes them seem like real people, because sometimes I forget that they actually had lives before I was born. Which sounds so selfish, but it makes sense, right? Most of the time when you think about your parents, you think of those people who are just supposed to take care of you and be there when you need them. But the more I talk to them, the less I think about them that way, and the more I see them as just two more of my best friends. They make me feel so lucky to have them in my life.
I just felt the need to write about it. I don't often express my deep appreciation for their presence in my life. So there it is. :)


  1. Hey Hannah, I'm so happy that you are blogging. I spent the day with my mother today, and yesterday with my dad, and I totally agree. My parents are so rad, and I never even noticed it until now. Well not now, but like, this year. They make funny jokes, and they tell applicable stories, and they pay attention to the news, and they do stuff for me. They are truly, as you say, two more best friends.
    Today, my mom couldn't find her jeans and so she wore my dad's jeans, and it was hilarious. She looked so thug.

  2. Hahaha your mom is so adorable Aarushi. But it's so true, right? I don't know how I went through all of high school not realizing how great my parents are to have around. I miss them.
