Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Long time no...write

Oh hey there blog.
It's been a long time, I think. I didn't go back and read the last thing I wrote about, but I know it wasn't recent.
My life has been pretty eventful as of late, or at least eventful in comparison to the monotonous blur it was during the school year. I'm enjoying summer. But I see it could be going back to normal pretty soon, now that I'm back in Madison from home and don't have many exciting plans in the near future. Walgreens takes up most of my time, and soon I have a job interview for UCP Dane County, so that may also give me more to do.
Other than my major responsibilities, I've been trying to use my extra time to do things that are more fun. I've been teaching myself to play guitar, which was actually going pretty well for a while, but I haven't picked it up in at least a week so I obviously need to start kicking my own ass about practicing. It's been fun though, I'm hoping that I can actually stick with it this time. I've tried to start teaching myself before, and ended up giving up after only about a week, but this time it's been easier to get motivated because I now have the time and more interest in learning. I've also been trying to read more this summer, but besides the first few weeks after school ended, I haven't been doing all that much of it. Once we got internet in the apartment, the reading started to become less interesting. Which makes me hate the internet a little, but I know it's my own fault for letting it distract me so much.
I don't have much else that I really want to write about. My life is just a whole lot of Walgreens, and boringness, and trying to make myself look busy so I don't have to do that much actual work. Although I am enjoying the promotion to photo I got, because not only do I get paid more, but it makes work a whole lot more entertaining when I get to creep on peoples' pictures of weddings and kittens and new babies. It's brought a whole new level of interesting to that place. The only thing I hate about being there all the time is that now I see how dramatic all of my coworkers actually are. When I used to work only 1 or 2 shifts a week, I didn't pay attention all that much. But now that I'm there most of the week, I've realized how they all just bitch about each other all the time. It's like a weird dysfunctional family. Because they're all oddly close at the same time. Except for me. But I'm slowly working my way in. I don't know if I want to though, because of all the bitchiness. I might as well just keep my distance.
But anyway, none of that is all that interesting.
I'm going to try to start using this regularly though. I'll try to talk about more interesting things in the future. But for now, I'm just tired and sleepy from work, and have little else to talk about. And I think it's time for a nap.

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