Thursday, December 8, 2011

All of my children were accidents.

I wish the temperature in my apartment would hover somewhere around normal for once. It's either 90 degrees in here, or about 35, and never anything in between. I think if the thermostat knobby thingy worked on my heater, I wouldn't have this problem. I'm super cold because my window's open and I took all the blankets off my bed to wash them, but if I close the window, in about 5 minutes I'll be sweating. This is super interesting, I know.

Anyway, today was one of those awkward days where I didn't get out of bed until noon, and then despite the fact that it wasn't morning anymore, I still ate 2 breakfasts because....I can?
And then I went to class, where my crazy professor tried to defend her controversial lecture on Tuesday that was kind of offensive because she was hardcore stereotyping poor people and everyone got really mad about it. I kind of just sat back, slightly entertained, as I watched her dig herself into a deeper hole with everything she said. I kind of felt bad for her though, because I know she had good intentions about her lecture. It just kind of backfired on her. Like a lot of things she says. She's one of those awkward professors who I'm not sure if she really knows how to teach...she kind of just walks around telling us about her personal life for an hour and a half and ends up sharing WAY more than she needs to. Examples?
"The FIRST TIME I had sex, I got pregnant. We used all kinds of birth control, they all just failed."
"All of my children were accidents."
"My sisters interact with each other in a different way than they interact with me. Because I figured out how to get out of poverty." (ouch?)
"My sister wasted all of her money on a new car, and now can't afford to put gas in it or pay her rent." (So I'm sure she's thrilled you're sharing this with a 250-person lecture hall)
"I am considered upper class. I make more in a month than my father made in a year. So why do I take the bus to work instead of driving one of my five cars?"

She's kind of the reason I skip that class a lot. Because I think I've learned more about her personal life over the course of the semester than I have about global health. Any time I do go, I just end up doing a crossword puzzle, only looking up to listen to the person who's bitching her out for something unintentionally offensive she said.

My other class today was pretty uneventful. And now I'm using laundry and cleaning to put off homework, even though I should be memorizing a presentation I have to give tomorrow. Kind of important... but I'll get to it eventually.

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