Friday, December 23, 2011


Got home yesterday in one piece! I have yet to unpack the car though. I got home and left to go to my friend Emily's house about 20 minutes later. And then I came home and went to bed early, and woke up about an hour ago with a fever and a massive splitting headache.
I'm glad my body waited until after finals to completely fall apart. Not that finals were all that stressful for me this semester, but they probably would have been if I had been sick. So at least I'm home where I can be taken care of. :)
Although, the medicine my mom tried to give me was not medicine at all. She just pulled out this little bottle that looked like eye drops, and squeezed some of it out into a glass half full of water and told me to drink it. So I did, thinking it was maybe legit. It tasted awful, so I asked her what it was. Turns out it's some sort of fruit and vegetable wash that removes pesticide I mean, I'm sure it's nontoxic and all that, but I don't know how it's supposed to help a headache and fever...?

Despite my being sick, I still have a lot to do today. One task involves going to the mall, which I am dreading as  Christmas is in 2 days. And I can't go to the mall until I get my van unpacked. Which I am also dreading because my limbs are weak and my head is killing me and I just want to go back to bed and sleep until I have to go meet my friends at Applebee's later.
Sooo tired. I should go take some real far I don't feel any different after drinking pesticide wash.

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