Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sleepless rantings...

I wasn't able to sleep at all last night. It's currently 5:36 AM and I finally just decided to get up and take a shower because I couldn't stand laying there and thinking anymore. I'm thinking and worrying myself into a panic lately and I need to stop.
I had so much fun last night and I'm so glad to have such amazing friends. And I keep thinking about how much I'm going to miss them. And then I just kept staring around my empty apartment getting sad, and then thinking about the fact that my apartment is empty reminded me that all my shit is in my van about 3 blocks away and I hope to god nobody decides to break into it. Not that there's anything all that valuable in there, but it would definitely suck. And then I realized that it snowed overnight while I was laying there staring at the ceiling, and that today is an even number day and I parked on the odd side of the road and I don't know if they need to plow or not. Meanwhile, as I'm needlessly worrying, my next door neighbor is blasting her TV all night again and the people across the alley from me apparently don't feel the need to sleep either and would rather play blaring music with the bass cranked up to 11 until about 5 AM.

I literally haven't slept. It's going to be a treacherous drive back, with me being barely conscious and with a van filled so much crap that I can't see out any of the windows. If the roads are icy, it'll probably take all day to get home. But I'm glad that by the end of the day I'll be back in EP and I can take a nap and bake cookies with my mom or watch TV with my dad or something. Sounds so nice. Finals are over, the semester is over, and I can finally go home and veg.
I just wish I could get maybe even like a half an hour of sleep. But I tried that earlier when I got out of the shower and was just disturbed again by some truck-backing-up-noise directly outside my window for about  five minutes straight. Typical. One plus of not living in this apartment anymore will be not having to deal with all the stupid trucks and their annoying backing up noises that drive through this alleyway all the time. And at ungodly hours of the morning. It's just evil.

Sorry for all this ranting. I'm just anxious and kind of cranky and a little lonely and sad, and I want to go home so I can sleep and eat normal food again. Mom food that's free and actually tastes good...

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