Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Made it to Accra!

Well, I'm exhausted but I made it, and that's all that matters! It's about 7 AM here and around 80 degrees and cloudy this morning.
I got in last night around 9pm after a solid 24+ hours of traveling. I don't even know how long I was on buses and planes but it was all a big, sleepy blur. Everything went relatively smoothly though. Nothing too stressful except for finding out my luggage was like 16 pounds overweight and I basically had to unpack a bunch of stuff in my suitcase and hold up a line of people which was embarrassing. And I didn't accomplish my goal of speaking German to a real German person. I chickened out once I was personally addressed by someone who thought I spoke German and I realized that they speak much, much faster than I could understand and when I panic I can't remember a single word in that language. Thus, I spoke English to make it through the Frankfurt airport. :(  Got my kinder eggs though, and they were delicious.
On the flight to Accra I finally got a little sleep, but only an hour or two. I was so tired that I apparently passed out despite one very loud, screaming child. (The same child that caused me some further embarrassment when I got on the flight--people were laughing at me because I was unable to stand up to a four-year old child with a balloon that was holding up the line to get on the plane. She was standing right in front of me, not moving and I just tried to tap her shoulder quietly saying "go find your mommy!" but she wouldn't move. Finally some German lady just grabbed the kid and pushed her down the aisle for me. But all this time I was getting laughed at by other passengers so that was fun...)  Also, I made a new Ghanaian friend on the flight! I got really lucky to sit by someone close to my age who was really nice and easy to talk to. He was coming home from visiting his brother in London and it was his first time ever leaving Ghana. I don't think he had ever met an American before, so he was asking a lot of questions about American culture and if it's anything like the movies, etc. And he told me a lot about Ghana as well, so that was nice. He reassured me I would love it.
And so far, I do! Every Ghanaian I've met so far is extremely kind. Lots of people were really helpful to me at the airport. Also, the welcome sign to Ghana made it clear that "pedophiles and sexual deviants are not welcome, and if that is your motive, you should go somewhere else." I kind of wanted a picture of that sign but unfortunately there was a really intimidating security guard standing right next to it and I didn't want to offend him by laughing at the welcome sign.
So anyway, I was picked up by the very friendly UPals, the University of Ghana students that will be helping us out, and one of them brought me back to the hotel. I changed clothes and got ready to go meet the people in my program, but then I laid down on the bed to rest for just a few minutes, and woke up 2 hours later and no one was hanging out anymore. But I met my hotel roommate, and she's really nice. I'll meet everyone else today.
I have no idea what we're supposed to be doing today because we weren't given a schedule at all. I think there are still a few people who had delayed flights that they have to pick up today at the airport.
I don't have much more to add. I am finally here, and it is beautiful! The hotel has free wi-fi so I'll be able to access the internet more easily until Saturday I think, and then I'll be moving over to the University where I'll have to figure out my own internet. But until then, I will provide updates when I can!
I miss everyone and hope all is well back home!

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