Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 4th of January

Someone wished me a happy new year this morning on my walk back to my apartment from moving my car. It made me smile, because I never say hi to random people on the street, let alone wish them a happy new year when it's January 4th. That guy probably has lots of really good karma.

So anyway, it's that time of year where I should maybe sum up the past year and list my goals for the new one. But I'm terrible at organizing my thoughts. All I really want to say about the past year is how thankful I am for the wonderful people in my life that made 2011 a year I'll remember. I think I found a nice balance in the past year between school and having fun, had a really great summer in the castlemansion, and I was able to have adventures like the road trip Aarushi and I took to Philly. I'm also really glad to have new people in my life, who have become some of my really good friends.
For the next year, all I can really hope for is to not be afraid to try anything new or meet new people, and I want see and learn as much about Ghana as I can. Simple enough goals, I think. Also, I'm really hoping I can keep this blog going while I'm there.

So anyway, being in Madison over winter break is pretty weird. It feels like a ghost town around here with everyone gone. Though it is pretty nice not having to hear all the usual stupid drunken conversations out my window, entertaining as they may be. Fratland on Langdon has been eerily quiet. And so has my building, except for whoever lives above me who stomps around a lot.
But I like winter break because it's nice to be able to have some time to just sit and read for enjoyment (I'm reading Catch-22 right now, my 3rd attempt. I always seem to start reading that book and then have to stop in the middle of it because I get too busy to finish it.) Its also nice to just leisurely spend time with people without having anywhere to be, and without worrying about having to go to work or class or anything. Winter break is always pretty wonderful. And while usually I have to dread going back to school, it's just an added bonus that in just 13 short days, I will be heading off into (what I consider to be) the great unknown. I still have some nerves in the pit of my stomach, but thanks to the wonderful christmas gift my mom gave me, I'm now more excited than ever to go. I don't really want to explain what the gift was. It's kind of hard to explain if you don't know my family very well. But all I know is that now I'm much more at ease.
I still don't really know exactly what to expect, but I guess if I did it wouldn't be nearly as much as an adventure.

I'm headed home again tomorrow, because my computer screen keeps throwing temper tantrums and stops working and flickers a lot and I need to get it fixed, and I also need to bring my car home so that I can stop moving it around every two hours. I got a ticket yesterday and I was not pleased.
I'm spending my evening in a coffee shop, because I was kind of bored. Didn't realize how many bible studies meet at barnes and noble on Thursday nights. Hm.

1 comment:

  1. <--- the bottom right panel
