Monday, January 16, 2012

Some things that are weird:

-Goodbyes. They always feel somewhat anticlimactic. They make me sad, but when the reality of something hasn't quite sunk in yet, it's hard to have those "goodbye" moments that make you feel like you're actually not going to see this person for a while and you should really appreciate this last time you see them.
-Packing. Fitting the next 5 months of my life into a box that I can carry around.
-The fact that I'm going to be in Germany tomorrow, by myself. And by Wednesday I'll be in Ghana. (By the way, a goal I have is to not leave Germany without at least a handful of kinder eggs. People will probably steer clear of the crazy person playing with the toys that came in her chocolate eggs...but hey, those things are in like my top 10 favorite things about Deutschland. Other items on that list include Spaetzle and the fact that words as long as "Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz" are legitimate. Also, another goal I have is to try and have a simple conversation in German with at least one person. I'm terrible though, so it's not likely they're going to tolerate my broken German and American accent).
-I'm also realizing that it's kind of weird that I've never been in a situation like this where I'm going in not really knowing anyone. Which is fine, but it's odd that even when I left home for college I wasn't even in that situation. I had my best friend here, I knew people in Madison from high school and I had family here. It's an odd feeling, having to fly somewhere completely foreign to me with a program full of people I don't know.

I'm just in a weird mental state right now. But the next time I post here, I will be posting from not-the-US! I may write an entry in Germany if I get bored, as I have a six hour layover there. Otherwise, I will definitely provide an update when I arrive in Ghana.

I'm leaving tomorrow! This is happening!

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